Aegis of the Elements

World in Adolescence Paperback, $25 shipped anywhere in the continental U.S.

World in Adolescence Audiobook: $15

World in Adolescence PDF/eBook: $10

Get your hands on the first anthology, A World in Adolescence.
If you liked the stories in the comic below, the anthology builds from there. Follow each of the great species as they find their place in the young world of Vendrial.
Aegis is Attention Span Games' newest IP that will encompass an Anthology series, Web comic, legacy board game and in time a phone app video game. Keep up to date with our team, ask questions and interact with our community on our Discord Server.
Aegis of the Elements takes place on the living world of Vendrial. The inhabitants of Vendrial are integral to her survival and consist of 6 great humanoid species.
Each project will focus on these inhabitants and their sentient constructs, the Aegis, expanding the world towards a larger overall narrative.
Each of the main regions on Vendrial have their own artist and writer, giving each region its own look and feel. The Aegis of the Elements comic consists of several story lines and vignettes taking place throughout the world of Vendrial.
Read a blurb on each region, see bios on the writers and artists and links to comics from their region on the AotE page and sub pages.
The Web Comic is currently on a Hiatus while we find new artists for a couple regions. But our anthology series is nearing completion.
Check out the web comic now.